एक विचारधारा 🤫
We're living in the age of modernity and IT so the point is this we can't change some things permanently because everyone think differently. एक जिवित कहानी 😊 One day I went somewhere for looking a job and A girl was coming in very shorts for giving interview at that Place after that everybody were looking her but she wasn't panic by people's reactions and thoughts.. Now I felt something and said people came in the age of modernity but thinking is even now old😑 At that Place a person said.. That's why rape cases is increasing and girls kidnapped 🤔🙄 अब मैं उसकी बातों को सुन रहा था पहले सोचा कि कुछ ना कहू But my heart said to me सुना इसे... मेंने उससे कहा :- भाई आप किसी के बारे में ऐसे केसे कह सकते हैं क्योंकि हो सकता है आपकी बहन या बेटी कल Modernity के अनुसार चले.. उसका ज़वाब आय़ा :- ऐसे केसे पहन लेगी वो ऎसे कपड़े मेंने उससे कहा :- कहा तक पढ़े है आप? उसका ज़वाब आया :- Post Graduation completed मेंने उससे कहा :- क्या कभीं आपने Constitution या articles या laws पढ़े